2022 Focus Ranch

Plans For The Season

We are proceeding ahead with plans for our 2022 season. Our yearling cattle our bought and are on pastures in California, to be trucked here in May when conditions permit. Most of our employees will arrive in early May to get started with the necessary work at the beginning of the season. Horses will need ridden to get them back in shape and riders will no doubt feel the same need after a winter off. All the fences require some degree of attention, spring runoff will need managing which usually means ditch repairs. With part of the crew being new, this will be a time to learn a lot about the ranch and some new skills.  

Spring Time And Cattle

Posted by Focus Ranch on Apr 15, 2012 in Workshops | Comments Off on Spring Time And Cattle

Spring Time And Cattle

The Makings of a Cattle Roundup: By the middle of May, we will have received our yearling cattle from their winter pasture.  Typically, we have about 1200 head of spayed heifers on pasture in central California. The cattle will be trucked here when we have grass to support them, usually mid-May.

In the springtime when the cattle arrive we work them, which means they are: vaccinated, fly tagged, wormed, some are branded and various other procedures tailored to the individual needs of each animal.

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